Why do we think that Lean Six Sigma is important?


During the last three weeks, we asked three different questions as:
• What makes us think that Lean Six Sigma projects fail?
• What makes us say that Lean Six Sigma projects fail?
• What makes us promote Lean Six Sigma approach?

One of the main differences between lean versus an autocratic environment consists in the power of asking the questions that provide us with helpful answers to solve challenges. The challenge of 21st century consists in an inequitable value of a human being's worth. From the two videos we can see that although similar products are manufactured, the working conditions are different. As we also know that the final product will not have the same quality and consistency since there are differences in processes, the question is why we do not see changes happening?
As people have different training levels in the two countries, one of the first steps in promoting the best manufacturing practices is through education. Some may say that education is expensive or not achievable in some countries due to poverty levels. The issue is that there is not enough collaboration between the Government and taxpayers on allocating enough resources to Education System to help reduce poverty levels.


{rokbox title=|Shoes Manufacturers in India| thumb=|images/stories/demo/shutz.jpg| text=|HD + autoplay + layout colors| size=|425 373|}http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FdImW23cjzY{/rokbox} {rokbox title=|Fabrication des chaussures Gérard Sené | thumb=|images/stories/demo/chausseurs.jpg| text=|HD + autoplay + layout colors| size=|425 373|}http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CT2ZjZ3uA0U{/rokbox}

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Responsive System and Lean Six Sigma
What makes us promote Lean Six Sigma approach?

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