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It is only when the #predictive #systems are used as per their entire intent and potential that we can admit our work as completed. #peace

#banks in #education, #finances, #largedifferences that continue to exist #philosophy in #systems

#natural #life has #intelligence, yet how did #humans create so many #nonintelligent #systems? i.e #banks?

Can anyone #teach #engineering without teaching #design? How can those who completed the #engineering #schools not know and/or understand #design? #schools focus should be on teaching how to #design the #systems and their #interactions, #relationships, #outcomes

We know that the #biological #systems do not recognize those intruders with wrong intentions as they would think that they are part of development/enhancement #intend and #intuition are 2 main development areas in which #bioinformatics, #AI shall do better #viruses

#Reflecting that many of today's #political #systems will change due to the large disconnect among its own #functions and responsibilities. Anticipating that people still can't decide on who to choose because in many cases the information is not fully available, as well as there is no interest to improve or make the changes needed. Let's not forget that we have invented money, economical laws etc.

It appears that the virus (SARS) has a #Poisson distribution "The Poisson distribution can be applied to #systems with a large number of possible events, each of which is rare. " In other words, we should be able to prevent the next outbreak if politicians start to learn: statistics, environment and medicine. The preventive measures are always ahead of #financialbenefits that some think they have!

are #autocratic #systems rewarding their #people? Any #system that does not recognize #effort is in fact leading to #distress  caused by low levels of #dopamine #deeplearning

#AI will solve soon all of the current challenges regarding the gap that exists between those who believe in theory vs practice of being "certified"; understanding & knowledge are the main foundation for further developing processes, tools, methodologies, systems #systems #methodologies #tools #computation