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6th graders can visualize balance in the linear space so why #politicians do not get it right?😂 Use "drag to balance" applies to #balance

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"human-centered needs and values, meaningful work, social responsibility, and
environmental sustainability"- as large differences exist, solutions have to be differentiated #QualitySolutions


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#Inference in #statistical #data provides #information about the #population. #politicians

"how societies with deep cultural and political differences can coexist peacefully and thrive amidst the challenges posed by globalization and technological revolutions"- recognize that differences have always existed.…

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Any industry questions about what will happen in the next 20-50 years yet EdTech has the solutions for continuously merging the #education and #technology to reduce further the #developmentTime for courses/programs, #increaseEfficiency, #increaseProductivity. #creating opportunities #blockchainEducation #AI

#selflearners percentage is low at around 2%.

#Learning shall not be #forced if and when a student does not want or can not learn. #AI and #technologies are supportive when and only if a student wants and can learn. #investment #policymakers #statisticalData

Some students feel they #deserve the obedient professor and it is the result of an #entitlement #culture and/or religion. AI and eLearning will re-assess those who learn #cultureChangesthroughAI

Dorina Grossu The #entitlement of #corruptedpolicians can be assessed a long time before it actually happens. 3 weeks ago

When the right and correct knowledge are provided in the classes yet students don't like them, the issue is the type of student attending the class. #studentKnowledge

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If there is one place where #AI is #urgently required that is in #politics and #politicians.

Just imagine that on everything we buy other than certain food, we pay taxes but those taxes are never calculated from the entire amount a person earns. Therefore the cumulated taxes are growing exponentially as #thingsaremoreexpensive due to #inflation. So, for every dollar earned, we most likely have 0.6 taxed.

Dorina Grossu The issues are #how and #what #math, #statistics, etc. are taught in #schools because #education has to prepare #students to understand #politics... Show more 1 month ago

When societies stop rewarding the #value and #pay for #nonvalue (#politicians) we reach a high level of #corruption and #inflation.

In #STEM (#science, #technology, #engineering, and #mathematics), #statistics is a major topic. Statistics belongs to #art and it is obvious and all of our #predecessors have understood too well!😂 #StatisticsArt

If and when a #student does not feel and/or understands the art produced by others, how an integration process will be developed? Who measures if it is a progress? #cultures #collapses…

UNESCO needs support for its event scheduled between 29 May to 31 May, each day at 15:00-16:30 Paris time

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