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#Behavioral #transformations have structures in #deeplearning and some of them are #epistemic, #sociolinguistic, #psychological, #moral and #ethical, #philosophical, #aesthetic

Dorina Grossu Can we have #ministers of #transformations who do not have a background in #education? 2 years ago

eLearning on Web 4.0 involves the use of Machine Learning so hopefully, we will all see better results as an outcome of today's technologies applied in eLearning. #deeplearning #machinelearning #artificialintelligence

are #autocratic #systems rewarding their #people? Any #system that does not recognize #effort is in fact leading to #distress  caused by low levels of #dopamine #deeplearning

There is this idea that some have developed that a student is capable to absorb a large amount of information and knowledge in a short time, somehow the miracle happens when the student suddenly becomes "educated". We know well from #deeplearning, #machinelearning and #AI that humans are not computers therefore #traditionaltopics and #depthofknowledge led to the creation of today's #technologies

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