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"for the object of #education is to #teach us to #love #beauty." Plato

"The #purpose of #education is to give to the #body and to the #soul all the #beauty and all the #perfection of which they are capable."- Plato

What we all shall be afraid of is when we will not have #true: #artists, #beauty, #peace.


#beauty is an #art outcome

#asynchronous is a different approach than #synchronous #learning and very few practitioners understand it; both students and professors etc. motivations when using the asynchronous learning paths are different - it has never been about #repetition of tasks but rather about how to #develop and #create something else that includes #beauty, #inspiration, #collaboration etc.

the #art of #beauty #aesthetics are not any different than #lean to #sixsigma
the main issues to those who want to implement it is when #price takes over #quality

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