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#EdTech does not imply using a computer but rather using the appropriate advanced computer system capable of predicting. Any college, university, schools that will not provide such access, will lower each #student chances of success. Students should ask the colleges, universities, schools etc. to access the most advanced systems for learning. Yet, it all depends on the #type of student.

There are large differences in how #learning actually happens in #lowedtech vs. #highedtech. The question of whether the #technology can replace #professors and #teachers is wrongly asked. The question is rather about how far away the #edtech can go in order to help the #students, #teachers, and #professors. Anything that is less accessible becomes a #communication #barrier. #edtech

The worst thing that can happen in #edtech is when not all #schools, #colleges, #universities have the latest #technologies available for #elearning #toolsforlearning

#edtech is different than #inclass #learning environment, therefore, the approaches of those who are working in these environments have large differences. I see that there are managers promoted who have no clue and that is no different than many industries in which managers are hired because they speak loud, etc. #positivechangesedtech #elearning #hybrid learning #synchronous #asynchronous

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