Dorina Grossu created a new topic ' eLearning in WEB 4.0' in the forum. 3 years ago

Currently, we can see very modern trends in eLearning for which we suggest the term eLearning 4.0 to comply with the very modern technological and industrial trends of Industry 4.0. For this brand-new approach of eLearning, two complementary methodologies could be implemented. The first is the one of artificial intelligence, deep learning, and machine learning with the use of computational linguistics. The second is the business model outlined and proposed by Nicolaj Siggelkow and Christian Terwiesch´s paper The Age of Continuous Connection in Harvard Business Review issue from May–June 2019 [20]. This model, even if planned as a business model, may work not only in a business context but could be applicable in education and various eLearning platforms as well [21,22]


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