Culture changes as the Third Lesson in a Lean Six Sigma environment

Culture changes as the Third Lesson in a  Lean Six Sigma environment


Several centuries ago, humanity believed that the Earth was flat and the entire Universe was rotating around us [1][2]. Although an interesting concept since people have always wanted to know how the Universe evolved, there is a direct link between the brain development and our worldly evolution. As the brain is self-organizing based on the individual experiences, the need for changes happened at the individual level. If people at that time did not have the knowledge to develop the tools that would have helped them to determine the Earth location and position, “the brain” have developed and forced people to move the system upwards towards new discoveries. The belief that human beings are at the center of their own discoveries can be found in how cultures have been developed through centuries. Culture as defined by a set of integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behavior that depends upon the capacity for learning and transmitting knowledge to succeeding generations, have required major shifts in time to be able to pursue their own discoveries.

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  4146 Hits

Safety is the First Orientation Lesson in a Lean Six Sigma environment

Providing a safety environment in companies implies that management team cares about people. Companies where employees or customers' safety are not on the top of the management agenda will never be able to implement a Lean Six Sigma methodology because they had missed the first Law of Humans which is to care for each other's well-being.

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  5498 Hits

Role of virtual teachers and mentors in a Lean Six Sigma environment

Role of virtual teachers and mentors in a Lean Six Sigma environment

A dialogue from Plato's book of Collected Dialogues introduces us to the role of teachers in transferring knowledge to its pupils.
Socrates: Let me explain. If someone knows the way to Larissa, or anywhere else you like, then when he goes there and takes others with him he will be a good and capable guide, you would agree?
Meno: Yes, he will

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  4375 Hits

Can we ever learn without doing projects in a Lean Six Sigma environment?

Since we have knowledge about human existence, everything was done under assumption that implied and expected positive outcomes will be obtained as a result of our actions. Whether we built houses, designed airplanes or developed new ways to cook the food to better feed ourselves, everything has been done by involving critical thinking, emotional and social awareness.
As we try to further self-develop our mind by reaching to an entire world that exists, and in an effort to create trusting relationships among all human beings, the projects will need to be developed by considering that emotional maturity leading to quality can happen when all parties have equal accesses and same rights to knowledge.
As intuition represents one of the interim stages, we will need to come together to common knowledge and belief that projects can be done together regardless of space location, religion, culture etc.

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  4307 Hits

Competency levels in a heuristic Lean Six Sigma environment and its connection to intuition

Competency levels in a heuristic Lean Six Sigma environment and its connection to intuition


Heuristic is to know or discover based on experience by using aid which helps to reduce time for solving problems. Lean Six Sigma has a variety of tools that provide an easy way to solve issues that can happen simultaneously or independently at different levels in companies and organizations who are ready to move towards quality and excellence. Generally, Lean Six Sigma will establish rules to control systems that exist within a company and will teach people on how to determine those rules based on knowledge previously gained or in best situations will try to teach by using examples and develop the new behavioral patterns.

While logic and calculations are developed preponderantly in left brain what we need to understand is that in fact the right brain offers intuition and creativity to develop the left brain therefore organizations should have a balanced proportion of both competencies. Also, people should be encouraged to develop their personalities based on the holistic approaches and considering the impact that their decisions will have across the world.

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  5611 Hits

The importance of ethical principles applied to building technology in a Lean Six Sigma environment

The importance of ethical principles applied to building technology in a Lean Six Sigma environment


Technology has been developed during the last years, but its exponentially deployment was only possible in countries where people had the emotional maturity to work and support their Governments. Without a proper organizational framework that encourages innovation and discovery, the technology would not have been developed or would not have reached its current levels. The environment in which the technology has been developed was the one that required both democratic and ethical principles but it has started from Government levels that was required to issue laws and policies to ensure that ethical principles were respected.

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  4362 Hits

Continuous Improvement projects in a Lean Six Sigma environment and connection to bacteria in human body

Continuous Improvement projects in a Lean Six Sigma environment and connection to bacteria in human body

Human bodies contain bacteria that are representing between 1-3% of the body mass and their role is to maintain us healthy. Each bacteria have a role within the area where it resides and they are everywhere in the gut, skin, stomach, conjunctiva etc. Both bacteria make-up and their abundance varies from one human body to another. Although we are just getting to understand their wider role in our health, it is obvious that research makes progress to understand the types and varieties as well as roles and how can we control properly their proportion within each human body.

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  3987 Hits

Heutagogy and its natural development in the Lean Six Sigma environment

Heutagogy and its natural development  in the Lean Six Sigma environment


Imagine that you live in a Lean Six Sigma environment with the highest quality level that becomes possible because people engage in discussions they like, gain new knowledge through their past experiences while they continue to develop new systems through thinking. Imagine that there are teachers everywhere as everybody becomes a teacher because a teacher speaks from his/her own experience of using his/her emotions and knowledge. Imagine that employers are seeing people as co-workers who constantly want to develop themselves.

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  4003 Hits

Self-learning and specie evolution through learning and education


Aside from many aspects of evolution, the evolution of species involves self- evolution on the qualitative natural path. There has been an adaptation of the brain to process language development while at the same time there has been the development of languages to adapt to the brain development. Languages have developed faster than the brain and explains why the computer science has developed faster in the last years as part of human being's brain/language development.

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  4019 Hits

Cooperation and concept of forgiveness in a Lean Six Sigma environment


Cooperation in its essence is the driving force for surviving and a continue strive for life's evolution. When the first group of humans had left the African's continent more than 60, 000 years ago that researchers have found traces off, no one would have survived alone without cooperation. Just as helping one another was the key to our past success, it becomes vital to our common future. Cooperation has been mathematically demonstrated in biology, and its key dynamic system's characteristics are generous, helpful and forgiving.
In a Lean Six Sigma environment where team members do not cooperate with each other and the other companies, but rather are in an unhealthy and unfair competition, most people get exhausted while quality levels drop significantly.
John Heywood quotes "many hands make light work" gives us the ray of light that people can realize when they cooperate. The people who accept that "I will help you and someone else will help me" are belonging to the highest end of forgiveness and cooperation on the human's developmental scale.




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  4231 Hits

Emotional feeling’s role in Changing Management within Lean Six Sigma environment

While in previous blogs, I wrote about emotions, cognition and the role of frontal cortex, I think that time has come to go deeper into Change Management and decision makers' emotional state. While cultural changes happen quite often in some environments, there is less understanding on how people are affected at their cognitive level when they miss emotions.
Descartes in 1628 wrote 12 rules that have constituted the basis for analysts and the subject of further discovery in neuroscience. In this case, the third rule that makes the connection to emotional feeling is : "as regards any subject we propose to investigate, we must inquire not what other people have thought, or what we ourselves conjecture, but what we can clearly and manifestly perceive by intuition or deduce with certainty" For there is no other way of acquiring knowledge". Although Descartes did not believe in a continuity between body-mind and soul, he understood that intuition leads to knowledge.

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  4445 Hits

Engineering as a key driver of human development and its connection to Lean Six Sigma methodology


Needless to remind you that Lean Six Sigma metholodgy is mainly used in manufacturing industries by engineers. But the role of engineers in societies, how they model and design, or apply knowledge to prevent disasters have not been recognized sufficiently by contemporaneity. Engineers try to make things that do not exist or continually improve the ones that exist, but when they design, and back in their mind is the idea to further help the human development. Although learning and acquiring knowledge continually are part of human development, there are still some areas that refer to invention, innovation, dimensions and imagination which are very specific to engineers. They create new shapes, forms or objects.
Lean Six Sigma as a methodology uses steps to solve issues and develop solutions that are innovative. With any step taken to further develop our human knowledge we help humanity to further extend and continue our development towards common goals. What we do need to take from Lean Six Sigma methodology is that everybody can learn to become an engineer.

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  4134 Hits

Defining order parameters in Lean Six Sigma environment

Thermodynamic laws applied in science are part of the universal laws that govern our Universe therefore interconnectivity, chaos and order, degrees of cooperation and collaboration that we see in companies are part of the natural phenomena and its manifestation.
In the companies we refer to customer complaints, internal insatisfaction, budget deficits etc. while in science we refer to critical points beyond which we will see major changes. The flaws in the model organization do not lie in the structural implications, but rather are due to their mean-field approximations and their neglect of large fluctuations near critical points.

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  3990 Hits

Savvy knowledge leaders in Lean Six Sigma environment


Savvy leaders disperse knowledge because they understand that controlling knowledge diminishes value, while releasing the knowledge creates value. The questions is why don't we see in companies, organizations and countries in general a wider dispersion of knowledge.

Considering the following steps in an organization or corporation; employees must be able to acquire knowledge through learning, transfer that knowledge from his/her head into an information system, apply then the knowledge from the information system into an actionable event, manage the knowledge that implies to execute with focus, timing and precision, and then secure the knowledge like to keep it from “evaporating”.

Based on the above sequence the first step is access to learning that can be done by a company or an individual who considers that changes are required. The next step involves the use of technology which in many cases can be achieved through eLearning. The third and fourth steps are the most difficult because actions need to happen simultaneously while managing them timely with focus, engagement and precision. If we compare the above steps with a Lean Six Sigma environment they would pertain to Analyze and Improve phases. Securing knowledge involves control and a proper system that while dispersing information still allow flexibility for implementing and proposing changes. All companies and organizations can reach the highest level of knowledge since we have a process map that can be implemented.

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  4146 Hits

Mitochondria and Lean Six Sigma

Mitochondria are essential components of nearly all cells in the body and are the powerhouses of cells by providing energy to carry out biochemical reactions and other cellular processes. It makes energy for cells by transforming the chemical energy stored in the food that we eat. Our food contains the building block of life known as macromolecules, mostly carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. The energy stored in the molecular bonds of these molecules is converted into a usable energy source known as ATP.

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  4036 Hits

Elements of collaboration, cooperation and intellectual giftedness in eLearning Lean Six Sigma environment


Lean Six Sigma promotes learning, mentoring and coaching for sharing knowledge, solve challenges, and increase quality levels across companies and the world. Since one of the main components is the personal aptitude for learning and continuing education, we need to emphasize on the importance of both collaboration and cooperation in an eLearning environment while considering the intellectual giftedness. One main driver in several training organizations and educational organizations have been the offering of training and certification in classes that emphasized on the cost component rather than on the collaboration, cooperation and intellectual capabilities that can be enriched only through eLearning.

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  4236 Hits

Natural Laws in Economics, Principia and Lean Six Sigma


Isaac Newton in his third book the Pricipia the "System of the world", describes the four rules of reasoning and demonstrates that the principle of gravity is in agreement with the phenomena. Newton does not assign a cause, and concludes that "to us it is enough that gravity exists". Newton's demonstration was based on induction. Adam Smith took the concept of nature as a law bound system of the matter in motion and in his model he represented society as a collection of individuals pursuing their self-interest in an economic order governed by the laws of supply and demand.

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  4317 Hits

Energy, Mass and Lean Six Sigma environment


We will continue with the positive linkage between human behavior and Lean Six Sigma from previous ideas that we wrote about last week referring to the importance and role of frontal cortex development. Einstein has connected mass and energy through his formula E=mc^2. Let's assume that within a company we have 1000 people who are strongly motivated to create positive energy, and about 5 Senior Managers who have a large mass of inertia. Einstein experiment consisted in introducing photons that emitted light inside of a box. Since the box has its own mass and no outside action acted upon to move it, when photons radiated light, the box moved in the opposite direction from where the light irradiated.
Most importantly, to ensure that a significant move in a pre-determined and positive direction is made, there are many and positive momentums that need to be created in a Lean Six Sigma environment in similar ways as photons create momentums by transferring light to mass. A static box will only be moved if there are enough photons that constantly radiate a required amount of light from different directions that hopefully will not become just a constant annoyance, but rather will imprint certain behavioral changes.

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  4209 Hits

Frontal cortex and Lean Six Sigma environment


The primary role of the frontal cortex is to direct and coordinate the functioning of other parts of the brain, both through a process of conscious thought and decision making by drawing on other neural resources on a subconscious level. This involves receiving input from the body's senses and processing that input to highlight the most important piece of information. The frontal cortex is responsible for the brain's ability to create long-term plans, govern emotions, creative and original thinking.

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  4320 Hits

Supervenience and Lean Six Sigma Environment


The meaning of supervenience in Lean Six Sigma environment implies advanced development of knowledge realized through agents of change. Supervenient is used to describe  relationships that are not reductive. As people we will need to reach for a higher level of mental understanding and communication.

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  4037 Hits