Safety is the First Orientation Lesson in a Lean Six Sigma environment

Providing a safety environment in companies implies that management team cares about people. Companies where employees or customers' safety are not on the top of the management agenda will never be able to implement a Lean Six Sigma methodology because they had missed the first Law of Humans which is to care for each other's well-being.

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The importance of high income levels in a Lean Six Sigma environment and how much freedom exists in the world?

The importance of high income levels in a Lean Six Sigma environment and how much freedom exists in the world?


The total number of the population that earns more than $34,000 per year is only 1% in the entire world. In the world there are 36 indebt countries that represent 17% from the total number of countries or 31.68% (2011) of the total population. [1], [2]

There is not need to go further since the high discrepancy levels that exist among income provides a clear image of the level of chaos that exists in the world. We do see a constant and consistent increment of poverty since 1960 which leads me to believe that there are no actions taken or the actions that have been taken are not positive since the poverty levels continue to rise.

When there is a normal distribution of wealth, the control is better managed through policies that can be issued by IMF and World Bank which would then ensure that people will achieve both personal and economic freedom. What do we miss that cannot be controlled to reduce these large discrepancies that exist between countries and within each country? If we consider that each human being has the same right to live a fulfilling life, then what holds us back and why we cannot not pursue our dreams?

As a direct consequence of lacking the economic freedom, the quality of life decreases while unemployment levels are significantly increasing leading to political and social unrest. Obviously, it is at the individual level where the transformation needs to start.[4],[5]

Knowing that the modern concept of liberty originated in Greece “to be free, to the Greeks, was to not have a master, to be independent from a master (to live like one likes)” would imply that everybody can become a master and learn how to fight for freedom [3]. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

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  4177 Hits

Balance cards in a Lean Six Sigma environment correlated to their impact on beings

Balance cards in a Lean Six Sigma environment correlated to their impact on beings


There is a difference between logic as valid reasoning and numbers generated by the business world. How can any executive who works with companies that make either pesticides or guns or anything that is being used for destruction of life, to submit the balance card report of their company? If the balance card presents the positive results based on quantity produced, cost savings, without any report to show the impact that the product/service had on other beings, the report is inconclusive and false.

If a company produces more guns or ammunition it implies that living beings will disappear. Similarly, more powerful and concentrated pesticides used, will destroy more bees and insects while harming animals and people.

If the number of current cell phones made will be increased, as a direct consequence there will be more people who work in abdominal conditions in Congo unless advanced technology will not be introduced together with education.

In a world where there is no control of the effects that our actions have on other (human) beings, we are not respecting one of the finest principles of our existence which is the free will. In a world where there are no relevant numbers communicated to people to understand the meaning of financial numbers and the impact that numbers will have on other populations, we are misleading the entire scope of creating a Lean Six Sigma environment in which we all coexist.

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  3900 Hits

What is the importance of prevention in a Lean Six Sigma environment?


In organizations, there are meetings where the future products or services are discussed in details. There are tools applied and future plans made to enable a quite solid structure of the prevention plans to be developed for the future of the company. Its future depends on how well the risks are assessed and how well the prevention plan will be developed.

What happens in countries and at global level? Do we have examples on how the entire mitigation process works to help and prevent any future internal and external wars? Do we have meetings at the international level that call for peace makers and conflict resolutions to work on differences that are democratically shared among all parties? UHNCHR as an organization works to raise funds to support people who have been dislocated due to war or natural disasters. But the questions is why do we need to have wars to resolve human conflicts? Can we not prevent wars and in similar ways prevent conflicts? We already know how the democratic process works for conflict prevention. Can we not take the similar approach in global level?

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  4245 Hits

Role of virtual teachers and mentors in a Lean Six Sigma environment

Role of virtual teachers and mentors in a Lean Six Sigma environment

A dialogue from Plato's book of Collected Dialogues introduces us to the role of teachers in transferring knowledge to its pupils.
Socrates: Let me explain. If someone knows the way to Larissa, or anywhere else you like, then when he goes there and takes others with him he will be a good and capable guide, you would agree?
Meno: Yes, he will

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  4348 Hits

Can we ever learn without doing projects in a Lean Six Sigma environment?

Since we have knowledge about human existence, everything was done under assumption that implied and expected positive outcomes will be obtained as a result of our actions. Whether we built houses, designed airplanes or developed new ways to cook the food to better feed ourselves, everything has been done by involving critical thinking, emotional and social awareness.
As we try to further self-develop our mind by reaching to an entire world that exists, and in an effort to create trusting relationships among all human beings, the projects will need to be developed by considering that emotional maturity leading to quality can happen when all parties have equal accesses and same rights to knowledge.
As intuition represents one of the interim stages, we will need to come together to common knowledge and belief that projects can be done together regardless of space location, religion, culture etc.

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Competency levels in a heuristic Lean Six Sigma environment and its connection to intuition

Competency levels in a heuristic Lean Six Sigma environment and its connection to intuition


Heuristic is to know or discover based on experience by using aid which helps to reduce time for solving problems. Lean Six Sigma has a variety of tools that provide an easy way to solve issues that can happen simultaneously or independently at different levels in companies and organizations who are ready to move towards quality and excellence. Generally, Lean Six Sigma will establish rules to control systems that exist within a company and will teach people on how to determine those rules based on knowledge previously gained or in best situations will try to teach by using examples and develop the new behavioral patterns.

While logic and calculations are developed preponderantly in left brain what we need to understand is that in fact the right brain offers intuition and creativity to develop the left brain therefore organizations should have a balanced proportion of both competencies. Also, people should be encouraged to develop their personalities based on the holistic approaches and considering the impact that their decisions will have across the world.

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  5588 Hits

The importance of ethical principles applied to building technology in a Lean Six Sigma environment

The importance of ethical principles applied to building technology in a Lean Six Sigma environment


Technology has been developed during the last years, but its exponentially deployment was only possible in countries where people had the emotional maturity to work and support their Governments. Without a proper organizational framework that encourages innovation and discovery, the technology would not have been developed or would not have reached its current levels. The environment in which the technology has been developed was the one that required both democratic and ethical principles but it has started from Government levels that was required to issue laws and policies to ensure that ethical principles were respected.

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  4338 Hits

Continuous Improvement projects in a Lean Six Sigma environment and connection to bacteria in human body

Continuous Improvement projects in a Lean Six Sigma environment and connection to bacteria in human body

Human bodies contain bacteria that are representing between 1-3% of the body mass and their role is to maintain us healthy. Each bacteria have a role within the area where it resides and they are everywhere in the gut, skin, stomach, conjunctiva etc. Both bacteria make-up and their abundance varies from one human body to another. Although we are just getting to understand their wider role in our health, it is obvious that research makes progress to understand the types and varieties as well as roles and how can we control properly their proportion within each human body.

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  3965 Hits

“Doctor’s” role in a Lean Six Sigma environment

“Doctor’s” role in a Lean Six Sigma environment


I went to see my family doctor for an annual check-up and his first question was :”Are you on any medication?”. My answer was “No, I am not, but should I be?” If we consider that majority of businesses maintain a status quo by taking pills, the question is when will they make a change? Will they ever be ready to move from the pill based mentality to the healthy thinking mentality?

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  4080 Hits

Heutagogy and its natural development in the Lean Six Sigma environment

Heutagogy and its natural development  in the Lean Six Sigma environment


Imagine that you live in a Lean Six Sigma environment with the highest quality level that becomes possible because people engage in discussions they like, gain new knowledge through their past experiences while they continue to develop new systems through thinking. Imagine that there are teachers everywhere as everybody becomes a teacher because a teacher speaks from his/her own experience of using his/her emotions and knowledge. Imagine that employers are seeing people as co-workers who constantly want to develop themselves.

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  3976 Hits

Self-learning and specie evolution through learning and education


Aside from many aspects of evolution, the evolution of species involves self- evolution on the qualitative natural path. There has been an adaptation of the brain to process language development while at the same time there has been the development of languages to adapt to the brain development. Languages have developed faster than the brain and explains why the computer science has developed faster in the last years as part of human being's brain/language development.

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Management maturity in a Lean Six Sigma environment

Management maturity in a Lean Six Sigma environment


Searching for answers is not always easy, but searching for examples of management maturity can become daunting. Maybe wisdom should be more appropriate to be used instead of management maturity as we do not expect to see “white hair”, but rather virtuous characters and good souls. Charles Wilson said “character is a habit, the daily choice of right over wrong; it is a moral quality which grows to maturity in peace and is suddenly developed on the outbreak of war”.

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  3824 Hits

The concept of Bernoulli’s fluid flow applied in a Lean Six Sigma environment


An inviscid flow is the flow of an ideal fluid assumed to have no viscosity. The flow of fluids with low values of viscosity can not be applied close to the fluid boundary where the boundary layers have a significant role. If we consider the boundary layers as the Lean Six Sigma areas where the diverse functions meet, we can determine that only low turbulence is beneficial in creating an appropriate and controlled flow since speed will increase once the pressure decreases or the fluid potential energy decreases. Bernoulli's principle states also that if a small volume of fluid is flowing horizontally from a region of high pressure to a region of low pressure, then there is more pressure behind than in the front.

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  5392 Hits

Solitude and its meaning in a Lean Six Sigma environment


Aristotle said that “solitude is his own best friend, and takes delight in privacy whereas the man of no virtue or ability is his own worst enemy and is afraid of solitude”. Virtue or ability are skills that require patience and realization that exceptional skills require time until knowledge is developed so creation can be allowed to occur. A certain maturity level requires that each one of us is capable of self-discovery that consequently increases the freedom of our thinking. Thinking that the tools learned have a short term applicability without understanding their multiple usage leads us to discard them as unuseful.

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  3519 Hits

Key changes in a Lean Six Sigma environment

To be able to assist and participate directly to organizational changes, we need to know first how to honestly talk to people. We also need to understand the characteristics of each group within the organization. Plato summarizes in "Collected Dialogues" Socrates' views on how to persuade the "soul". Since there is determinant number the variability of approach results in a variety of individuals. A certain type of hearer will be easy to persuade by a certain type of speech to take such and such action for such and such reason, while another type will be hard to persuade. The person must fully understand, and next he must watch it actually occurring, exemplified in people's conduct, and must cultivate a keenness of perception instruction. People in general believe about what is plausible. And that is the same as what is probable while if actual facts do not tally to probability, nobody will care about the truth.

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  3465 Hits

Desired personality in eLearning

Whenever I search in the "Digital Library for Education and Information Technology (EdITLib )" for articles related to "online" training, I can only find articles using the "eLearning" term. Whenever I search the Google search engines using the term "eLearning", I can see that a higher number of searches are performed by using the term "online" ( about 1 million in Lean Six Sigma on 2012). Obviously there are differences between eLearning and online learning, but in some cases they are too subtle for users and the public at large. Creating a collaborative eLearning environment require from students the ability to create a social climate and sense of community and work synergistically using critical thinking, creativity and cooperative learning. (Bernard, Rojo de Rubalcava, & St. Pierre 2000). When students look for "online" courses their main scope is to receive an accreditation or a certificate that will help them with additional skills but the community is not happening.

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Consequences when people are not encouraged to learn and implement the concepts in a Lean Six Sigma environment

Reputable companies continue to train their employees in Lean Six Sigma methodology as a continuous way to ensure cost reductions, high quality levels and human development. These companies will continue to exist above the 100 year milestone if the Executive core will have the system that rewards people who are interested and focused on continuing learning or training.
What happens with companies that do not encourage people to continually gain new skills through training, learning and implementing their new ideas? The last years economical downturns were in many cases result of poor training and lack of willingness to implement in practice the new ideas or methodologies. Another root cause was caused by management teams who wanted all the benefits of quick training without knowing how to communicate with their employees what and how to make those changes in workplace. Although learning requires that at different management and individual levels there is a culture towards human development, many companies look at their accounts rather than on how many people have been trained and how to measure the training results.
What is the solution? Although each company has their own culture, the companies who are successful know how to implement and support changes that lead to implementation first, and then control and track the changes. Based on data and most current information available from neuropsychology, neuroscience, and other disciplines that combine human body with social studies, we know that cultural diversity including language development has positive effects at brain level. The question is how many companies are in fact using the benefits of engaging and accepting cultural changes when people express themselves differently?

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  3843 Hits

Cooperation and concept of forgiveness in a Lean Six Sigma environment


Cooperation in its essence is the driving force for surviving and a continue strive for life's evolution. When the first group of humans had left the African's continent more than 60, 000 years ago that researchers have found traces off, no one would have survived alone without cooperation. Just as helping one another was the key to our past success, it becomes vital to our common future. Cooperation has been mathematically demonstrated in biology, and its key dynamic system's characteristics are generous, helpful and forgiving.
In a Lean Six Sigma environment where team members do not cooperate with each other and the other companies, but rather are in an unhealthy and unfair competition, most people get exhausted while quality levels drop significantly.
John Heywood quotes "many hands make light work" gives us the ray of light that people can realize when they cooperate. The people who accept that "I will help you and someone else will help me" are belonging to the highest end of forgiveness and cooperation on the human's developmental scale.




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Emotional feeling’s role in Changing Management within Lean Six Sigma environment

While in previous blogs, I wrote about emotions, cognition and the role of frontal cortex, I think that time has come to go deeper into Change Management and decision makers' emotional state. While cultural changes happen quite often in some environments, there is less understanding on how people are affected at their cognitive level when they miss emotions.
Descartes in 1628 wrote 12 rules that have constituted the basis for analysts and the subject of further discovery in neuroscience. In this case, the third rule that makes the connection to emotional feeling is : "as regards any subject we propose to investigate, we must inquire not what other people have thought, or what we ourselves conjecture, but what we can clearly and manifestly perceive by intuition or deduce with certainty" For there is no other way of acquiring knowledge". Although Descartes did not believe in a continuity between body-mind and soul, he understood that intuition leads to knowledge.

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